Derby fashion – what a hat can do

A gorgeous hat brings elegance in a womens’ outfit. Sometimes I feel  sorry that I wasn’t born back in the days when a hat was a must, and Chanel was there to support women who wanted to perfect her style.

SO, here are a couple of designers who follow this tradition and fascinate us with their pret-a-porter creations.

Philip Treacy, london designer:

“I believe in beauty and elegance and communicating toughts and dreams in a visual way…….It was the time when hats were percieved publicity as something worn by ladies of a certain age, and something from a bygone era. I tought this was totally ridiculous and simply believed we all have a head, so everybody has the possibility to wear a hat…”

Bara Marianne, hungarian designer:

“The various age groups, types of women and modes of using a hat all give an exciting challenge. There are those who would like something practical and aesthetic for everyday wear. Others have hats designed for their personality. Finally there are those who seek a hat for a special occasion (wedding, reception, etc.).”

Jacqueline Kolbe, lives in South Africa and is helping YOU create youre own hat.

The craft that once flawed and fascinated me, has also captured the imagination of a whole new generation of aspiring milliners. Millinery has seen a re-juvenation of late, which could be an unconscious response to the uncertain future of our planet.”

She created a millinery e-book and teaches millinery professionally.

Louise Green, american designer.

“Louise has a unique and intuitive ability to combine colors, materials and textures, creating wearable works of art. All hats are handmade and trimmed with the finest ribbons, flowers, feathers and crystals.  Utilizing an extensive collection of vintage blocks (hat shapes), the designs mirror current trends through their color and adornment, completing any fashionable ensemble. ”

“Romantic hats are not a necessity, but wearing a beautiful hat lifts the spirit.  A hat should be worn with a sense of fun and flirtation! Smile & enjoy!”

Kristina Dragomir, romanian designer

She designs haute couture hats.

~ by belezza on February 19, 2010.

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